Incorporating vintage into your workplace wardrobe
I've always heard people say "... but how will I wear this during the day?" Vintage clothing is an excellent way of expressing creativity and individuality and one can express that part of their style daily through contemporizing their look.
A great way of modernising a vintage dress is to accessorise it with contemporary jewellery or do so with a modern bag or modern shoes. The ladies in the romantic sitcom 'Sex and the City' did that well...
A great way of modernising a vintage dress is to accessorise it with contemporary jewellery or do so with a modern bag or modern shoes. The ladies in the romantic sitcom 'Sex and the City' did that well...
If vintage clothing generally overwhelms you, then maybe you're better off sticking to vintage accessories, a vintage brooch on a blazer...
If you want people's focus to move directly to your vintage piece its best to highlight it by wearing just that one stand-out vintage piece
Classics never go out of style
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